According to this directive:
The electromagnetic emissions generated by the devices must remain below certain limits.
The devices must be able to operate without degradation under the influence of the electromagnetic environment at a certain level.
The EMC directive was introduced on 1 January 1992 and has been redefined by Directive 92/31 / EEC. On January 1, 1996, the transition period was over.
As you can see, EMC’s history is quite new even in the European Union countries. Therefore, the number of people with adequate navy in this issue is very small. Many product designers are unaware of EMC or have little knowledge. The products designed for this reason are not electromagnetic compatible and cause serious interference. In order to produce electromagnetic compatibility devices, the measures for electromagnetic interference must be started at the design stage. The solution options that can be applied for finished products are very low while the cost of the solution is very high. For this reason, our customers are given training and seminars on what is electromagnetic compatibility and what to pay attention to during the design and production stages of the products to be produced.